The City of Ironton, Ohio
Welcome to Ironton, Ohio. The City of Ironton is the county seat of Lawrence County, Ohio and is located along the Ohio River in Southern Ohio. Population: 11067.
City Services Quick Links
Below is a list of departments and contact information for the Ironton city services available to our citizens. For a complete list of services and depatment contacts, visit the Departments page.
Mayor’s Office
Mayor Samuel Cramblit
Email: irontonmayor@ironton-ohio.com
Terri Smith, Assitant to the Mayor
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Phone: (740) 532-3833
Fax: (740) 532-7556
Police Department
Dan Johnson, Chief of Police
Email: chiefipd@ironton-ohio.com
Dispatch: (740) 532-3525
Tip Line: (740) 532-5606
Fire Department
Mike Mahlmeister, Fire Chief
Email: chiefifd@ironton-ohio.com
Dispatch: (740) 532-3525
Jeff Joseph, Inspector
Phone: (740) 532-1301
Public Utilities
Erin Edens, Public Works Director
Email: publicservicedir@ironton-ohio.com
Cheryl Howell, Water Clerk
Email: chowell@ironton-ohio.com
Water Administration Office: 740-532-3353
Fax:(740) 533-6089
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Public Services
Mark Dickess, Public Services Director
Email: zoning@ironton-ohio.com
Phone: (740) 532-0198
Fax: (740) 532-7556
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

The Legacy Initiative is a new project initiative bringing the city Storm Water Team together with private individuals and local businesses to work on educating the public about how we can avoid polluting our water ways and the impact of poluttion on our local ecosystem. The Legacy Initiative is an engagement project involving the entire city of Ironton to take responsibility of our storm water challenges and aid the city in becoming compliant with the Clean Water Act.
Code Enforcement Reporting Portal
Help us keep our community safe and clean. Click the button below to report instances of unsanitary conditions, blighted property, debris, high grass, unsafe property concerns, potential waterway contamination sources, and building and zoning related issues.
This portal will help our City Officials and Staff be able to track and address issues you discover throughout our city in a more efficient and timely manner.
Understanding the USEPA Required Service Line Inventory Survey
Understanding the USEPA Required Service Line Inventory Survey for Ironton Residents November 15, 2024 The City of Ironton is taking proactive steps to comply with the USEPA’s [...]
2024-25 Ironton Recreational K-6 Basketball League Registrations
2024-25 Ironton Recreational Kindergarten - 6th Grade Basketball League Registrations Registration Dates and Times: 10/19/2024 9:00am - Noon 10/26/2024 9:00am - Noon 11/2/2024 9:00am - Noon Location: [...]
City Wide Cleanup Week October 2024
City Wide Cleanup Week October 5, 2024 Join Ironton’s Cleanup Week! Get ready to declutter and make our community shine! The City of Ironton is hosting Cleanup [...]
City Calendar
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▪ After the initial keyword is sent, you will receive a confirmation message asking you to reply YES to verify opt-in.
▪ You may receive multiple text messages a month with a notification. Notifications may include Updates for ongoing sewer projects in the city.
▪ You can text STOP anytime to remove yourself from the notification list.
Msg & data rates may apply. Check with your carrier for details. View terms and privacy policy info at: textmygov.com/opt-in-terms-conditions
(740) 532-5606
(740) 532-3525