Joe Ross
Environmental Compliance Director
Larry Large
Environmental Compliance Assistant
Environmental Compliance Director’s Office
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm
Phone: 740-532-3121

The Legacy Initiative
The Legacy Initiative is the City of Ironton’s MS4 program to become compliant within the guidelines set by the EPA for water impacting the Ohio River and ground water supplies. The Legacy Initiative encompasses storm water/sewage separation through smoke testing and infrastructure projects, education and outreach to inform the citizens of the impact of their water usage, and a municipal and citizen partnership in cleaning and maintaining our city’s waterways, drainage systems, and other water resources.
What is MS4?
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
MS4 is short for, “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System”, where the word “Municipal” refers to a unit of local government like a borough or a township, but may also refer to an organization responsible for the administration of a developed area.
Our MS4_is located in the Ohio River watershed, which has concerns for phosphorous and mercury loading. Because the majority of these pollution problems are caused by increases in impervious cover, we will focus much of our Public Education and Outreach program on increasing public awareness of the links between land use practices and storm water pollution.
Mission and Vision
Mission Statement:
To protect and improve the water quality of the City of lronton’s creeks, tributaries, and drainage systems that lead to the Ohio River. The City’s program will educate the public, construction industry; and other stakeholders on storm water pollution prevention related issues and permitting requirements that focus on controlling runoff, minimizing discharge of pollutants to receiving waters, improving public health and safety, natural environment and water resource use.
Vision Statement:
To continually improve the City of lronton’s environmental efforts to ensure compliance with the Storm Water Permit issued by the State of Ohio and other federal, state, and local storm water regulations.
Legacy Initiative Goals
- Identify, reduce, and eliminate pollutants in storm water runoff discharged to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) by following the six minimum control measures that guide the Storm Water Management Program:
- Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts
- Public Involvement/Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment
- Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
- Collaborate effectively with federal and state environmental agencies and other environmental quality focused groups, to enhance storm water quality efforts that will benefit the City of Ironton and the environment.
Learn and Teach about our Local Watershed
As an Ohio River community, it’s important for us to understand our unique watershed. After all, it’s the source of our drinking water, the water we use to fill our pools, shower, cook and clean with, and the basis for many of our outdoor recreational activities. Below are links to learn more about our local water ways and resources to help teach others about them as well.