Mayor’s Office

City of Ironton Truck Vehicle Lift Legal Notice – Invitation to Bid

2022-08-05T14:51:42-04:00July 29th, 2022|

City of Ironton Truck Vehicle Lift Legal Notice - Invitation to Bid August 5, 2022 Sealed Bids will be received for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete a project known as Truck Vehicle Lift at the City of Ironton (the “OWNER”), 301 South 3rd Street, Ironton, Ohio 45638 until 10:00 A.M. local [...]

Updates to TextMyGov

2022-05-27T16:31:24-04:00May 27th, 2022|

Updates to TextMyGov May 27, 2022 Receive City Alerts fo the City of Ironton! Sign up to receive city notifications via text message. Opt-in to any or all of the following programs: ✓ Boiled Water Advisory Notifications: IRONTONBOILEDWATER ✓ Upcoming Events Notifications: IRONTONEVENTS ✓ General Notifications: IRONTONGENERAL ✓ Trash/Pickup Schedule [...]

Now Accepting Applications: ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER

2021-08-03T14:38:47-04:00August 3rd, 2021|

Now Accepting Applications: ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER City of Ironton Police Department Click Here for the Ohio Civil Service Application ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER IRONTON POLICE DEPARTMENT  The Civil Service Commission of Ironton, Ohio will be conducting an examination to establish a list for entry level Police Officers. Applications available at Ironton City [...]


2021-07-28T13:09:56-04:00July 27th, 2021|

Now Hiring: ENTRY LEVEL FIREFIGHTER Agility Test August 7th, 2021  |  Written Exam August 10th, 2021 Click Here for the Ohio Civil Service Application ENTRY LEVEL FIREFIGHTER  IRONTON FIRE DEPARTMENT  The Civil Service Commission of Ironton, Ohio will be conducting an examination to establish Entry Level firefighters for the Ironton Fire [...]

City of Ironton Income Survey

2021-06-24T14:34:58-04:00June 24th, 2021|

City of Ironton Income Survey June 24, 2021 The City of Ironton has begun planning to make infrastructure improvements within the City. As part of the planning for these projects, the City needs to complete an income survey in the southern section of town (from Center St. to the South). The City has contracted with IBI [...]

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